
DNA Vaccines for Tropical Diseases

DNA vaccines provide a new approach to immunization and immunotherapy in which genes that encode for antigen proteins are inserted into the nuclei of appropriate cells to use their protein-making machinery to express proteins that elicit a specific immune response against the pathogen. Our research focuses on making DNA vaccines vehicles that selectively target professional antigen-presenting cells. We have produced DNA vaccines for Leishmaniasis that are effective in preventing the disease. Our current focus is on developing microneedles that delivery DNA vaccines via a skin patch without the need for a traditional injection. 

Selected Publication:

Arroyo, I. Z.; Gomez, C.; Alarcon, H.; Jimenez, A.; Pardo, A.; Montano, G.; Armijos, R. X.; Noveron, J. C. Alkyl Length Effects on the DNA Transport Properties of Cu (II) and Zn(II) Metallovesicles: An In Vitro and In Vivo Study. J Drug Deliv 2018, 2018, 2851579.

Enzyme Therapy Nanomaterials

Enzyme therapy is a promising form of medical intervention in the treatment of cancer and other diseases. For example, Kynureninase therapy is being investigated in treating breast, skin, and colon carcinomas because it degrades tumor promoter molecules and their erradication causes tumor regression. One of the challenges in enzyme therapy is the enzymes' sensitivity to harsh conditions, causing loss of function and a short half-life, diminishing their therapeutic potential. We are developing porous nanomaterials that bind to therapeutic enzymes in their cavities and are compatible with 3D printing stereolithography, thus enabling the formation of shapes that can be integrated into implantable devices.

Selected Publication: 

Islam, T.; Ahsan, M. A.; Hassan, M.; Afrin, H.; Pena-Zacarias, J.; Aldalbahi, A.; Alvarado-Tenorio, B.; Noveron, J. C.; Nurunnabi, M. Detection of Leptin Using Electrocatalyst Mediated Impedimetric Sensing. ACS Biomater Sci. Eng. 2023, 9 (5), 2170-2180.  

Artisanal Chemistry for Global Health and Water Treatment

Artisanal chemistry is the branch of synthesis that aims to develop methods that are not trivial or difficult to perform and can spark economic development by promoting local manufacture of products that serve basic needs and are in high demand. For example, we have developed chemical methods to convert biomass into water filters, disinfectant paints, and antiseptics.

Selected Publication: 

Sultana, K.A.; Hernandez Ortega, J.; Islam, M.T.; Dorado, Z.N.; Alvarado-Tenorio, B.; Galindo-Esquivel, I.R.; Noveron, J.C. Saccharide-Derived Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles with High Photocatalytic Activity for Water Decontamination and Sanitation. Sustainable Chemistry 2023, 4, 321-338.    

Earth-abundant Catalysts for Green Energy Technologies

Agriculture attrition caused by global warming is expected to accelerate efforts to shift to a carbon-zero economy soon. Current state-of-the-art green hydrogen technologies use rare-earth metals such as platinum and iridium as catalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). However, due to their scarcity, using these metals hinders scalability and increases capital costs, discouraging investment and broad adoption. Our research aims to develop efficient and durable Earth-abundant HER and OER catalysts to enable green hydrogen technologies.  

Selected Publication: 

Ahsan, Md Ariful, Tianwei He, Kamel Eid, Aboubakr M. Abdullah, Mohamed Fathi Sanad, Ali Aldalbahi, Bonifacio Alvarado-Tenorio, Aijun Du, Alain R. Puente Santiago, and Juan C. Noveron. “Controlling the Interfacial Charge Polarization of MOF-Derived 0D–2D VdW Architectures as a Unique Strategy for Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalysis.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14, no. 3: 3919–29. 

Nanocatalysts for New Generation of Monopropellant Thrusters for Space Rockets

Monopropellant thrusters are rocket engines that use a single chemical as a propellant. Monopropellant propulsion systems offer several advantages for spacecraft applications, including simplicity of operation, high reliability, and low cost. These thrusters are commonly used for attitude control and trajectory correction in satellites and spacecraft. New catalysts that resist high temperatures and pressures are warranted to enable the use of common fuel sources in low-cost spacecrafts.   

Molina, A.; Camarena, M.J.; Noveron, J.C.; Stavila, V.; Shafirovich, E. Fabrication and Characterization of Nanoscale Magnesium Diboride and Tetraboride for Propulsion and Hydrogen Storage Applications. Energetic Material Combustion, Advance Propulsion, 2025, 14th U.S. National Combustion Meeting, Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute.